An account of how technologies weakened my learning abilities

3 min read1 day ago

Ever since I was a child, technology has played a significant role in my life. Growing up in a digital age, I was exposed to various electronic devices that promised to make my life easier and more convenient. While technology has undoubtedly provided me with endless opportunities to learn and grow, it has also come with its challenges, one of which is how it weakened my learning abilities.

I remember the first time I was introduced to a computer. It was mesmerizing to see how this machine could display information and photos at the click of a button. I was entranced by the endless possibilities it presented, from accessing the internet for research to playing educational games that promised to boost my cognitive skills.

However, as I grew older, I realized that my dependence on technology was hindering my ability to learn effectively. Instead of reading books or engaging in hands-on activities, I found myself mindlessly scrolling through social media or binging on videos for hours on end. The instant gratification that technology provided was addictive, making it difficult for me to focus on tasks that required sustained attention and effort.

Furthermore, the convenience of search engines and online resources made it easy for me to cut corners in my learning. Instead of delving deep into…




I’m a board member for the Harvard Creative Writing Collective and an outreach associate director for Harvard Women in Computer Science.